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A Project acts as a container for shared apps and deployments and gives it a unique name. Each person using kspacr signs into a personal account, and multiple personal accounts can collaborate on shared projects by joining the same kspacr Project.

You can invite people to join your project and assign them various roles that grant different levels of access to the project and data. In addition to managing access to the project itself, one can separately manage access to the project's namespaces, virtual clusters, databases and caches.

Many teams use Projects to organise their applications and deployments into different environments / stages like Development, Staging and Production.

Get active Project

The active project is synchronized with the kspacr Console (web UI). Get you currently active user session and project:

kspacr auth whoami

Switch between Projects

The command below allows you to select one of your available projects and makes that the currently active one:

kspacr auth project