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Zero-OPs Kubernetes.

kspacr is the Serverless Kubernetes Platform that enables self-service access to K8s with Managed Namespaces and Virtual Clusters.

# install kspacr on MacOS
brew install kspacr
# connect CLI with kspacr account
kspacr auth login
# fetch kubeconfig for Namespace
kspacr ns connect
# use Helm to install a chart
helm repo add podinfo https://stefanprodan.github.io/podinfo
helm install happy-space podinfo/podinfo
# kubectl works too
kubectl logs -f deploy/happy-space-podinfo


Getting started

Learn how to use kspacr to deploy to a Kubernetes cluster in under five minutes.

In case you are interested in more detailed information about kspacr, please consider the following guides. If you want to get started quickly, just continue reading here.


Step-by-step guide to set up the CLI on your system.

Managed Platform

Details about all K8s Add-Ons we ensemble to build the Kubernetes Platform.

Security Policies

Learn more about the security measures on kspacr.

Namespace Isolation

All the Details about how namespaces are isolated.


Welcome to kspacr! If you are looking to deploy your application to a Kubernetes namespace without the hassle of setting up and managing a cluster, you are in the right place. Follow these simple steps to get started:

Create a User Account

Go ahead and create a new kspacr account. Make sure to confirm your email address by clicking the link sent to your email.

Access Your Personal Team

After registration, your account will be set up with a personal team that provides free access to the platform, so you can take your time to test.

For testing only!

The amount of allowed resources in Personal teams is limited and is not meant for production usage. We might use preemptive resources which can result in short and intermittent service interruptions.

Install the kspacr CLI

kspacr CLI is a tool that will help you interact with kspacr from your terminal. Install the Command Line Interface (CLI) on your computer. If you are using macOS and Homebrew, run this command:

brew install kspacr

Please check the installation instructions if you are not using macOS with Homebrew.

Connect CLI with kspacr

Next, use the CLI to log into your kspacr account by running:

kspacr auth login

What's happening: You are authenticating your CLI so that it can communicate with kspacr on your behalf. This will create and fetch a personal token from kspacr.

Basic usage

Create a Namespace

Namespaces are a way to divide cluster resources between multiple users. To create a new Namespace, an isolated space in the Kubernetes cluster to deploy your application, choose a name for your namespace and select a region where it should be set up.

Unique name required!

Kubernetes namespace names need to be unique across the entire cluster. To avoid conflicts with other namespaces, we might automatically add a suffix to your namespace name.

Connect kubectl

To fetch the connection information, run the following command:

kspacr ns connect

What's happening: This step will download a kubeconfig file with cluster, user, and context information and configures your local kubectl to connect to the Kubernetes cluster managed by kspacr. This will allow you to access your namespace.

Install a Helm Chart

Use Helm to install a sample application. Run these commands:

helm repo add podinfo https://stefanprodan.github.io/podinfo
helm install happy-space podinfo/podinfo

What's happening: First, you will add the Helm repository of podinfo, a widely used sample application. Next, you will use Helm to deploy a sample application to your kspacr namespace.

Use kubectl

Now you can use kubectl to interact with your deployment like you usually would. For example, to view logs, run:

kubectl logs -f deploy/happy-space-podinfo

Congratulations 🎉

You’ve successfully deployed your first application with kspacr! From here, you can start deploying and managing your own applications. If you have any questions or need help, read on and don’t hesitate to reach out.

Happy deploying!

Getting help

Our support community is a space where you can connect with like-minded, share your experiences, and learn from each other. We encourage you to contribute and engage in discussions related to kspacr, Kubernetes, and the broader cloud-native ecosystem.

Once again, we would like to welcome you to our kspacr Support Community! We can’t wait to see what you’ll achieve with our platform and look forward to learning from your experiences.